(Branded) Content is King

Online Publishers Association


Online Advertising Effectiveness Gets Significant Boost from Branded Content; Online Publishers Association Analysis of Independent Data Shows that Branded Content Sites Consistently Provide Greater Impact than Industry Norms, Portals and Ad Networks.

Branded content sites are particularly effective at improving two of the most difficult metrics to impact: brand favorability and purchase intent. When it comes to brand favorability, branded content sites provide a 29% improvement over average online advertising performance in MarketNorms. For purchase intent, branded content sites provide a 20% improvement. With both measures, there is an even greater bounce among affluent audiences. Branded content sites are 24% more effective than overall MarketNorms at impacting purchase intent among those with household incomes of $75,000 or greater.

"Nearly all forms of online media have an important role to play throughout the purchase ‘funnel,’" Horan continued. "But branded content sites have a notably greater impact at the points where consumers are establishing brand preference and making purchase decisions.

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